People Team & Change Solutions
Our Bribery Policy
People, Team and Change Solutions Ltd: Health and Safety policy
PTCS’ statement of general policy is to:
provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
consult with our team on matters affecting their health and safety
provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
ensure safe handling and use of substances
provide information, instruction and supervision for our team
ensure all our team are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training
prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health
maintain safe and healthy working conditions
review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Responsibility for Health and Safety
Overall and final responsibility for health and safety matters for PTCS people is Director, Mark Dean.
In complying with this policy, our people will:
cooperate with other associates and client representatives/agents on health and safety matters
not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
take reasonable care of their own health and safety
report any health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed later in this policy statement).
Information, Instruction and Supervision
Health and safety advice is available in the first instance from Mark Dean who will also arrange for additional advice from a competent person as appropriate.
Mark Dean is responsible for ensuring that all PTCS team members working at locations under the control of other employers are given relevant health and safety information and instruction where needed. Other employers will be required to cooperate as appropriate in providing this information or instruction to PTCS or to its people directly.
Competency for Tasks
Appropriate induction training will be provided for our people by Mark Dean or a delegated, suitably qualified representative. Any other health and safety training needs will be discussed as appropriate and the responsibility for provision of any essential training will be discussed with the team member and/or client representative/agent.
Emergency Procedures - Fire and Evacuation
When our people are required to work at locations under the control of other employers it will be the joint responsibility of that employer and PTCS to identify and be familiar with the fire safety and evacuation procedures as appropriate. This is essential when our people may be facilitating workshops, training or similar events alone in unfamiliar locations.
To check our working conditions, and safe working practices are being followed, PTCS will:
Cooperate with, and seek the cooperation of, client representatives/agents in investigating accidents involving our people
Actively seek the views and observations of our people on health and safety matters working on client sites and discuss these with the client representative/ agent as
Periodically review the findings from any accident investigations to help identify ways of preventing recurrence of similar accidents in the
Reserve the right to conduct spot check on locations where our people may be required to work if these locations are the managed by or are the responsibility of another employer/contractor.
We will conduct an annual self-evaluation of our progress in implementing this policy and update it where required (next review April 2021).